
The answers on this page are offered in good faith and are solely the personal views and opinions of the author with the hope that it may be of use with no guarantee or endorsement of it being accurate, complete, up to date or suitable for any particular purpose whatsoever. It does not constitute any representation. The author accepts no liability in respect of the information contained herein or the purpose of its use and any usage of the information contained herein shall be at the user's own peril.

Terms & Conditions :

Please take a moment to read these terms and conditions carefully. The terms and conditions apply to your access and use of [www.pvprecious.com] website and any pages thereof and the services provided herein by Premier Voyage Sdn. Bhd. by accessing any page of this website and/or using the services, you have read, acknowledge, agree and accept these terms and conditions and agree to be bound without any limitations or qualifications. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not access [www.pvprecious.com] website. [www.pvprecious.com] reserves the rights to change these terms and condition which you are responsible for regularly reviewing and your continued use of [www.pvprecious.com] website constitutes agreement to all such changes.


The term "The Company" as used in these terms and conditions refers to Premier Voyage Sdn. Bhd either individually and/or collectively as the context requires.

By accessing, using and logging on to these sites, you are expressing your acceptance to the Terms and Conditions herein.

All products and services of The Company and its partners herein provided are subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable agreements governing their use. These terms and conditions are meant to regulate your access to this website and they are to be read together with the applicable terms and conditions governing any transaction(s), product(s) and/or service(s) provided in this website. In the event of conflict between these terms and conditions and the terms and conditions governing the relevant transaction(s), product(s) and/or service(s) provided herein, the latter will prevail.

The information, material, functions and content provided in the pages of the website may be changed from time to time with or without notice at The Company's absolute discretion. Your continued access or use of the website and/or the services provided herein subsequent to any such change will be deemed as your acceptance to those changes.

The materials and information in this website, including but not limited to services, products, information, data, text, graphics, audio, video, links or other items, are provided by The Company on an "as is" and "as available" basis. References to material and information contained in the website include such material and information provided by third parties.

The Company does not make any express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements including but not limited to any warranties of title, non-infringement, merchant ability, usefulness, operation, completeness, correctness, accuracy, satisfactory quality, reliability, fitness for a particular purpose in respect of the website, the material, information and/or functions therein and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in such materials, information and/or functions. Without derogation of the above and/or the terms and conditions of the applicable agreements governing all the products and services of The Company, reasonable measures will be taken by The Company to ensure the accuracy and validity of all information relating to transactions and products of The Company which originate exclusively from The Company.

Further The Company does not warrant or represent the access to the whole or part(s) of this website, the materials, information and/or functions contained therein that provides uninterrupted or free from errors or that any identified defect will be corrected, or that there will be no delays, failures, errors or loss of transmitted information, that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to your computer system.

You shall be responsible to evaluate the quality, adequacy, current rates, prevailing rates and usefulness of all services, content, advice, opinions and other information obtained or accessible throughout the website; further you should seek professional advice at all times and obtain independent verification of the materials and information provided herein prior to making any business or commercial decisions based on any such materials or information.

Links from or to websites outside this website are meant for convenience only. Such linked websites are owned and operated by third parties and as such are not under the control of The Company. Therefore The Company shall not be responsible and makes no warranties in respect of the contents of those websites, the third parties named therein or their products and services. Furthermore, the links provided in this website shall not be considered an endorsement or verification or approval of such linked websites or the contents therein. Linking to any other site is at your sole risk and The Company will not be responsible or liable for any damages in connection with linking. It is advisable for you to read the privacy policy statements (if any) of any websites which are linked to this website.

Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright in this website and its contents, including but not limited to the text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files, and their arrangement, are the property of The Company, and are protected by applicable Malaysian and international copyright laws. No part or parts of this website may be modified, copied, distributed, re-transmitted, broadcast, displayed, performed, reproduced, published, licensed, transferred, sold or commercially dealt with in any manner without the express prior written consent of The Company.

You also may not, without The Company's expressed prior written consent, insert a link to this website on any other website, frame or "mirror" any material contained on this website on any other server.

Any such unauthorized reproduction, re-transmission or other copying or modification of any of the contents of the The Company's website may be in breach of statutory or common law rights which could be subject to legal action.

The Company disclaims all liability which may arise from any unauthorized reproduction or use of the contents of this The Company's website.

All trademarks, service marks, and logos displayed in this website are the property of The Company and/or their respective third party proprietors as identified in the website.

Unless the prior written consent of The Company or the relevant third party proprietor of any of the trademarks, service marks or logos appearing on the website has been obtained, no license or right is granted to any party accessing this website to use, download, reproduce copy or modify such trademarks, services marks or logos. Similarly, unless the prior written consent of The Company or the relevant proprietor has been obtained, no such trademark, service mark or logo may be used as a link or to mark any link to The Company's website or any other site.

The Company and/or its partners herein shall in no event be liable for any loss or damages howsoever arising whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or any other basis, including without limitation, direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, or loss profits or savings arising in connection with your access or use or the inability to access or use this website (or any third party link to or from The Company's website), reliance on the information contained in the website, any technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, interruption, error, omission, delay in operation, computer viruses, or otherwise.

This exclusion clause shall take effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.

You hereby irrevocably agree to indemnify and keep indemnified The Company from all liabilities, claims, losses and expenses, including any legal fees that may be incurred by The Company in connection with or arising from (1) your use or misuse of this website and the services provided herein, or (2) your breach of these terms and conditions howsoever occasioned, or (3) any intellectual property right or proprietary right infringement claim made by a third party against The Company in connection with your use of this website.

The Company reserves the right to terminate and/or suspend your access to this website and/or your use of this website at any time, for any reason. In particular, and without limitation, The Company may terminate and/or suspend your access should you violate any of these terms and conditions, or violate the rights of The Company, of any other user, or of any third party.

The failure of The Company to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

If any part of these terms and conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law, then the invalid and unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of the other provisions of the terms and conditions shall continue in full force and effect.

Any right not expressly granted herein are reserved.

These terms and conditions are governed by and are to be construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia. By accessing this website and/or using the services provided herein by The Company, you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysian courts in all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this website.

The Company makes no representation that the materials, information, functions and/or services provided on this website are appropriate or available for use in jurisdictions other than Malaysia.

Should you have any requests, questions or complaints, please direct them by email to premiervoyagesdnbhd@gmail.com